Monday, March 22, 2010

Today is the day...

...that I diet.


But this time, I'm going to try harder. There's $10.00 on the line, and that's some serious business. I'm making a turkey chili tonight that only has 198 calories a serving. Let's be serious, I'll likely have at least two servings. But it's mildly healthy, so I'll post tomorrow if it was delicious. This starts a whole new era of cooking: cooking to be both delicious and healthy so I can weigh 17 pounds less for Ashley's wedding (and, let's be serious, the summer).

Also: we bought a dishwasher. Tell me how the hell you buy a dishwasher and it doesn't come in until a month later? Regardless, it's not coming in until April 7, so we wait and wash dishes by hand until then, which really puts a damper on this whole "cooking for fun" thing.

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